Ihr Warenkorb

Ihr Warenkorb ist derzeit leer.

My order

After checking out, you will immedietly receive a confirmation email with your order number, a summary of your purchase, and an estimated processing and delivery times.

Log in to your Purpie account, and select “My Orders” to review your order status and tracking number when available. 

If you have not received an order notification email, first check your spam folder and email settings. Still not seeing it? Please contact our support team for assistance. 


Log in to your Purpie account, and select “My Orders” to track your order as it makes it’s way to you.

As the shipment moves from point A to point B, shipping couriers will make every effort to provide updates. Weather, travel, or import circumstances could all cause tracking delays. Please confirm with the selected shipment courier if you believe there may be any withholding taxes or minimal import fees applicable based on your country as this could further affect the tracking periods.

Purple Ocean works with top-of-the-line shipping couriers that will ensure your package is always delivered to you on time. We do not hold any jurisdiction or control over our shipping couriers' operations and we are not liable if a package is lost in transit. Please contact the designated shipping courier if your package is taking longer than normal.

If you need to make changes to your order, please contact us within 24 hours of placing the order. If your order has already been shipped out or you have a tracking number, the package is already headed to the address you provided during checkout, and we are unable to change it. To change the address, please speak with the shipment courier listed on the tracking number.


Shipping rates on orders under $99 vary in options.

USA: $2.99 + 

International: $7.99+ 

Expedited: Typically + $15 - $30 additional to the standard shipping cost.

All worldwide orders of $99 or more will qualify for free shipping. Members with a significant amount of reward points will also receive free shipping on all of their orders for a lifetime. 

Don’t forget to log in to your Purpie account every time you order and click on "rewards" icon in the left bottom corner to apply reward points toward shipping and discounts.